About Us

Our Vision

To establish OpResONE, Inc. as the leading provider of an integrated resilience framework, ensuring that our clients can withstand and adapt to disruptions through a unified approach encompassing EPM, ERP, Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), Business Continuity, IT Application Recovery, Emergency Management, Crisis Management, and Incident Management.

Ultimately:  Thrive, not just survive!


Our Purpose

At OpResONE, Inc., our core purpose is to empower organizations to thrive amidst volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity by enhancing their operational resilience. We believe that resilience is not just about surviving; it's about adapting, evolving, and emerging stronger in the face of disruptions and challenges.

Our mission

Our mission is to deliver strategic insights, innovative solutions, and actionable plans that enable our clients to build robust operational frameworks. These frameworks are designed to protect against, respond to, and recover from operational disruptions while ensuring continuous service delivery and safeguarding reputation, revenue, and customer trust.

We specialize in assisting businesses across a diverse range of industries to:

  • Identify and Assess Risks: Through comprehensive risk assessments, we help organizations identify potential threats to their operations, including cyber threats, supply chain vulnerabilities, regulatory changes, and more.
  • Develop and Implement Resilience Strategies: By creating bespoke resilience strategies, we guide organizations in developing the capacity to absorb stress, manage change, and recover quickly from disruptions.
  • Enhance Business Continuity Planning: We assist in developing and refining business continuity plans that ensure critical functions can continue during and after a crisis.
  • Strengthen Organizational Culture: Recognizing that resilience is also about people, we work to foster a culture of resilience within organizations, building awareness, and training staff to respond effectively to challenges.
  • Leverage Technology for Resilience: We advise on the integration of cutting-edge technology and digital tools that support resilience objectives, from data analytics for risk monitoring to automation for more resilient operations.
  • Ensure Compliance and Governance: Our consultancy ensures that resilience strategies are aligned with regulatory requirements and industry standards, providing peace of mind and a competitive advantage.

At OpResONE, Inc., we are committed to a partnership approach, working closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and challenges. Our team of experts combines global insights with local knowledge to deliver tailored solutions that not only protect but also enhance value and drive sustainable growth.

In a world where the pace of change is relentless, OpResONE, Inc. is dedicated to equipping businesses with the resilience to not just survive but to prosper. Our purpose is realized when our clients achieve an unparalleled state of readiness and resilience, ensuring their long-term success and stability.

Our Execution Philosophy

We pride ourselves in being a Christ-centered organization! Our execution philosophy is deeply rooted in our unwavering commitment to a Christ-centered approach to business. We believe that by putting Jesus at the forefront of all our efforts and integrating our faith into every aspect of our operations, we can not only achieve business success but also make a positive impact on the world around us. Our philosophy is guided by the following core principles:

  • Faith-Driven Decision Making: We commit to making business decisions through prayer and reflection, seeking guidance and wisdom from God and direction through our Board of Directors. This means prioritizing what we believe to be God’s will in our strategies, operations, and interactions, ensuring that our actions reflect the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.
  • Integrity and Transparency: Our business practices are built on a foundation of integrity and transparency, mirroring Jesus’ teachings on honesty and truthfulness. We strive to maintain the highest ethical standards in our dealings with partners, clients, and employees, ensuring that our actions are always aligned with our faith.
  • Service and Stewardship: We view our business as a platform for service and stewardship, using our resources, talents, and time to serve others and honor God. This includes not only serving our customers with excellence but also caring for our employees, supporting our community, and stewarding the environment responsibly. We provide weekly support for our staff to work closely with their local church or non-profit, giving back to the community and striving to exemplify these values.
  • Prayerful Guidance: Regular prayer meetings are the heartbeat of our company, providing a time for reflection, thanksgiving, and seeking God’s guidance together. These meetings reinforce our commitment to Jesus-first business practices and strengthen our community of faith within the workplace.
  • Continuous Improvement through Reflection: We are committed to continuous improvement, guided by regular reflection on our actions and outcomes considering our faith. This involves not only assessing our business performance but also considering our spiritual growth and impact on the world through a Christ-centered lens.
  • Impact Beyond Profit: While we strive for financial success, our goal is to create an impact that goes beyond profit. We aim to be a force for good, spreading the love of Christ through our business practices, contributing to the well-being of our communities, and inspiring others to integrate faith into their own lives and work.

At OpResONE, Inc., we believe that by adhering to these principles, we can navigate the challenges of the business world with grace and integrity. Our execution philosophy is more than just a set of guidelines; it reflects our identity in Christ and a commitment to living out our faith in every aspect of our work.


Joseph Brewer

Joseph Brewer

CEO & President

Tiffany Brewer

Corporate Secretary
OpRes Circle Only - Greyscale

OPEN - Recruiting to Hire

Chief Sales Officer
OpRes Circle Only - Greyscale

OPEN - Recruiting to Hire

Chief Operating Officer
Christopher Duffy

Christopher Duffy

Chief Delivery Officer
OpRes Circle Only - Greyscale


Chief Financial Officer